Lee C. Dunn
Author's Garden

Lee Dunn has researched southern history, garden and landscape history, and genealogy for over twenty years. She has been deeply involved in promoting the preservation and awareness of southern gardens and landscapes for twenty years, through her service as a leader in The Garden Club of Georgia’s historic landscape preservation efforts, and was inducted into UGA’s Sigma Pi Kappa Honor Society in recognition of her leadership achievement in historic preservation of Georgia’s cultural landscapes.
Current civic involvements include serving as chairman of The Garden Club of Georgia’s Historic Landscape Preservation committee; on the board of trustees and acquisitions committee of the Cherokee Garden Library at the Atlanta History Center; board member of the Southern Garden History Society; and member of the Advisory Board of Hills and Dales Estate in La Grange.
She was a columnist for the Black Forest News in Colorado Springs, Colorado in her early career. Her weekly column covered city government, school board issues, and other community events. Lee is a graduate of Pierce College and the Historic Landscape Institute at the University of Virginia. She lives in Atlanta with her husband Mike. They have two sons and three grandsons also in the Atlanta area.